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September 20-22, 2022
Tucson Marriott University Park Hotel, Tucson, Arizona

THE NASA INNOVATIVE ADVANCED CONCEPTS (NIAC) Program is proud to announce its 2022 Symposium in Tucson, Arizona!

This event is free and open to the public. All are invited to attend.

The NASA Innovative Advanced Concepts (NIAC) seeks innovative, technically credible advanced concepts that could one day change the possible in aeronautics and space. The 2022 NIAC Symposium will feature progress presentations from our currently funded Phase I, Phase II, and Phase III Fellows. This portfolio of NIAC studies addresses diverse research areas, including Revolutionary Exploration Systems, Novel Propulsion, Human Systems & Architectures for Extreme Environments, Sensors, and Imaging. This year’s Symposium will feature exciting keynote addresses to inspire attendees. Past NIAC speakers have included visionary thinkers, distinguished scientists, senior government officials, authors, astronauts, and entrepreneurs.

      Registration is now open! The 2022 NIAC Symposium is free and open to all. To register, please go to our registration website where you can also access additional research Fellows’ information on the posters page.
    • AGENDA
      The Symposium agenda can be accessed HERE and as a pdf below.


    This year there are THREE ways to access the 2022 NIAC Symposium:

      1. IN-PERSON
        Attend in-person at the Tucson Marriott University Park hotel in Tucson, AZ.
        The Symposium can be accessed live beginning on September 20, 2022 via Livestream. The event will be archived at this site for future viewing post-Symposium.
      New!! The Symposium is also being shared through a new virtual platform. This site will allow online attendees the same access to currently funded NIAC Fellows’ research, presentation videos, posters, and an opportunity to network and collaborate with other attendees, which is highly encouraged.

              You may choose to attend one option above, or multiple options.

    NIAC Fellows’ posters and presentations are available on the registration website on the posters page. They are also available on the virtual platform in the posters ‘room’. All Fellows’ presentations will be archived at the end of each day on Livestream.
    The posters page on the registration website lists all emails for research Fellows at the 2022 NIAC Symposium.
    Below is the Symposium flyer for distribution with general information about the Symposium. Please feel free to share broadly.

    For questions or more information about the NIAC Symposium, please contact the Conference Coordinator, Pauline Burgess pburgess@nasaprs.com, Kathy Reilly katherine.reilly@nasa.gov, or the NIAC Team at hq-niac@mail.nasa.gov.

NIAC is a component of the Space Technology Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters in Washington, D.C.


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